
Over a Thousand HUIB Students Join Campus Minister to Thank God for a Successful Academic Year

In a solemn mass organized by the University, more than a thousand students of HIBMAT University Institute of Buea gathered to thank God for a successful academic year.

The thanksgiving Mass took place on Friday, May 31st, 2024, at the amphitheater located on Campus B, Molyko Buea. During the Mass, Rev. Fr. Solomon Lyonga, the University’s chaplain, expressed gratitude to God for guiding the students throughout the year. He also prayed for those preparing to write the Higher National Diploma (HND) exams and encouraged all students to remain committed to their faith as they prepare for their second semester and upcoming holidays.

Cross section of students attending Mass
Cross section of students attending Mass

The University community showed their appreciation by offering gifts as a token of thanksgiving  to God for His  guidance throughout the year. One of the highlights of the Mass was the distribution of HUIB-branded success pens to all students who will be taking the HND exams.

Dr. Jude Chilaka, the President of the University, addressed the students, expressing his confidence that they will uphold the honorable legacy of achieving 100% success and high honors, just like their predecessors.

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